Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Its your choice” said Dan to his professor, “should we wait out the weather, or trek on to the dig site?”

Dr. Bob, who’s the leading professor in archeology at Michigan Tech University, paid little attention to Dan.

“Well!” said Dan
“Well what!?” Dr. Bob retorted, “are you afraid of this spittle you call rain? This should clear up in no time. Besides I don’t care whether you like the weather or not.”

While Dr. Bob’s other student, Jenny, was listening to this conversation she saw in plain sight, off to her right, an altar.

“Dr. Bob, Dr. Bob!” she exclaimed, “Look over there, off the track!”
“Aha!” shouted Dr. Bob with glee, “an altar from the 4th century.”

The group of archeologists whose principle task was to write an observation on the indigenous people of South America suddenly stumbled upon an ancient sacrificial site of the Aztec people.

“Dan,” said Dr. Bob, “cite in the notes where all the stationary objects are.”
“I put on the stationery that there are only two skulls.” said Dan.
You’re a buffoon,” replied Dr. Bob, “there’s another one too, do you know the effect your mistake could of had on this project. They’re paying for us to be here to find something significant about the Aztec people. Remember, a lot of their money depends on our research getting done early.”
“Kind of like what my principal in high school used to say,” said Jenny, “if your on time your late.”

Dan finally got done with all of the notes he was taking and went over to the altar and asked “so what is this thing anyways?”

“It was an altar,” said Dr. Bob “by which young Aztec warriors would sacrifice small rodents to Huitzilopochtli as a rite of passage to be accepted into manhood.”

“Look the altar is loose,” said Jenny, “you wouldn’t want to lose this fair antique.”

1 comment:

Awilli21 said...

I didn't realize that other peoples stories were going to make this much sense. Mine is just sentence after sentence of babble using those words. Anyway good job, looks like you used all the words properly, great job Tim! You get an A for the day!